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  How to Suggest a Site

You provide a link back to and we list your website in our directory. Our link to you will be active as long as your link to us is.

Your website will be reviewed in the order in which it was received.

Submissions are completely free!

Before submitting your site, please read our guidelines. If you meet all the guidelines and you submit the appropriate category, then your site will be listed in no time.

1. What is SXWO Directory?

SXWO Directory is a comprehensive Web Directory and resource portal. The directory is designed to list web sites and Internet resources.

2. Register

You will need to register for a free account with SXWO Directory in order to enjoy all of the features on our site, including the ability to modify your site information at any time. Please register before you submit your site. It is free and easy. After you do, it will be easy to submit your site(s), and modify.

3. Make sure your site doesn't exist in the directory.
Do a quick search in the directory to be sure your site isn't already listed. This saves everyone time.

4. You have to have your own domain name.
If you don't have your own domain name such as "" then your site might not qualify.

5. Find the appropriate category in the Directory.

We ask that you suggest your site from the most relevant Directory category page. Finding an appropriate category for your site is at the heart of this process. Remember that we visit each site suggested, and proper categorization on your part helps us process suggestions quickly. If you think your site should be in a category we do not have, then contact us with your site information, and identify the category that you think should be added.

6. Click on " Submit Site to This Category"
Once you find the most appropriate category, click on " Submit Site to This Category" at the top right or bottom of the page of the category in which you wish to appear. You will be directed to the submission form and your category should appear at the top of the form. Please make sure you follow the instruction provided in the submission form. Failure to do so generally will result in the rejection of your submission.

That is all you need to know about the submission process.

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